Never Give Up: Trust and Believe

‘But she came, knelt before Him, and said, “Lord, help me!” – Matthew 15:25 (HCSB) 

This amazing account about a Canaanite woman who had a demon-possessed daughter is found in Matthew 15:21-28. The Bible paints a pretty grim picture of Canaanite practices in Leviticus 18, giving detailed and lurid descriptions, including the worship of demonic idols, taboo sexual acts, and even the sacrifice of children to the Canaanite gods.

Sometimes we tend to hold on to generational curses. Family members may believe that certain diseases are generational because persons from our past and present generations have passed away due to these diseases. I refuse to accept that. Generational diseases and curses can be broken by the name of Jesus once we believe. If the sick person believes it is done when hands are laid on them, they will receive healing. This principle is found in Mark 11:24 (KJV): “Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” It is stepping out in faith. 

We can all agree that when we walk, we tend not to look down to see where our feet are landing because we are so sure they are landing on solid ground. Even if we stumble and fall, we get up, dust ourselves off and walk again. Similarly, our belief and faith must work like this. In Matthew 15, Jesus, at first, did not answer the Canaanite woman in her desperation. Instead, He watched and waited. Secondly, while she was seeking intervention, the disciples were offended and complained to Jesus she was bothering them. Thirdly, when Jesus did answer her, it didn’t seem to make logical sense.

Brethren, in times of trials, when it seems like there’s no response, press on. When others attempt to dissuade you, ignore them and seek your breakthrough, and when you do get answers that sometimes make no logical sense, you push through until the blessing is released. Continue to kneel before God. Stop thinking about the whole bread and accept the crumbs. The same ingredients that are in the bread are in the crumbs. Hallelujah! 

I don’t know what you’re going through this morning, but activate your faith like this Canaanite woman. She did not allow her situation and status to be a hindrance. She wanted the breakthrough. She never gave up, and you shouldn’t also. God’s going to come true for you as you continue to believe in His Word.


Lord, I just want to thank You for allowing me to go through this phase, this trial in my life. God, it helps me to recognise that I’m not alone. It helps me to recognise that every step I take, I take it knowing that You are forever with me. Your Word said, “You would never leave me nor forsake me”. Father, I believe that right now, You are taking control of the situation. Thank You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read: Proverbs 3:5-6; Matthew 12:21

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 119:57-64; 1 Timothy 3; Jeremiah 38; Jeremiah 39; Jeremiah 40:1-6


  1. Lucille Joseph

    Amen Amen

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